
Data Science for Economics
Master programme website

Students enrolled in the academic years 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and earlier can find all the information at Data science and economics website.

3 student job vacancies at the SLAM Centre

The University Language Centre (SLAM) is seeking 2 student workers to help with administrative activities and 1 student worker to help with graphic design projects. Applications are open until 12 noon on 18 February. For further details and to apply, please see the job posting.

The list of courses offered by the University Library Service in spring 2025 is now online.

Hygiene kits available on campus

The University of Milan offers the entire university community hygiene and first-aid products, such as band-aids, sanitary pads, disinfectant and sterile dressings. These products are given out for free on a need basis, upon request.

Bandi DEMM per collaborazioni studentesche 2024

Dalle ore 12 dell'08/02 alle ore 12 del 21/02/24 gli/le iscritti/e a magistrali della Facoltà SPES possono candidarsi per le posizioni di collaborazione studentesca richieste per i CdLM DSE, MEF, MIE e per il CdL EMA.

Tutti i dettagli, inclusi requisiti e scadenze, sono disponibili nei bandi:
Bando EMA
Bando DSE
Bando MEF
Bando MIE

Servizi di Orientamento al Lavoro e Stage - COSP

Il COSP Unimi ha realizzato un documento riassuntivo contenente le informazioni e i contatti utili inerenti ai servizi di orientamento al lavoro e stage per studenti/esse e neolaureati/e da esso forniti. Clicca qui per visualizzare il documento.

Applications for a.y. 2024/25

Applications to open-admission Master's degree programmes for the academic year 2024/2025 are open from 22 January 2024. The application deadline for non-EU students VISA applicants is 30 April 2024. The application deadline for EU students is 30 June 2024. To apply, please carefully read our "Application" page.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of Education (MIUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centred. Inline with this the University has provided a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.

Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milano (MI)
Associated Department within the Interdepartmental Academic Board
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
Via Conservatorio 7 - 20122 Milano (MI)