Places and facilities
The degree programme is interdepartmental and the lessons and all the teaching activities take place in two locations (they are connected by bus line number 61):
- Department od Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, Via Conservatorio 7, Milano
- Department of Informatics “Giovanni degli Antoni”, Via Celoria 18, Milano
Classrooms Milano Center
- Edificio 1 - Via Conservatorio 7 (aule 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 ‑ sala lauree)
- Edificio 2 - Via Passione 13/15 (aule 2 - 3 - polo informatico)
- Edificio 3 - Via Conservatorio 7 (aule 10 - 11 - 12 - 13)
- Edificio 4 - Via Conservatorio 7 (aule 4 - 5 - 6)
- Via Livorno 1 (aula 1)
- Via Pace 10 (aule A ‑ B)
Classrooms Città Studi
- Via Celoria 18: (Aula Magna “Alberto Bertoni”, Aula Alfa, Aula Beta, Aula Epsilon, Aula Gamma, Aula Delta, Aula Lambda, Aula Sigma, Aula Tau, Aula Omega)
- Via Venezian 15 (Aula V5 Bis, Aula V2, Aula V3, Aula V4, Aula V8, Aula V6, Aula V5, Aula V7, Aula V1, Aula V9)
- Settore didattico, via Celoria 20 (Aula 200, Aula 309, Aula 301, Aula 110, Aula 210, Aula 203, Aula 311, AIS-Lab, Aula 403, Aula 208, Aula 310, Aula 211, Aula 202, Aula 306, Aula 100, Aula 303, Aula 307, Aula 209, Aula 201, Aula 304, Aula 305, Aula 404, Aula 302, Aula 405, Aula 204, Sala Riunioni, Aula 400)
- Via Golgi 19 (Aula G23, Aula G8, Aula G14, Aula G16, Aula G21, Aula G11, Aula G13, Aula G24, Aula G12, Aula G22)
- Via Colombo 46 (Aula 700)

The University offers students, research fellows, postgraduates and university personnel computer labs and computerized classrooms by reservation, which are available for autonomous use of the resources and for completion of the required online registration

Library “Enrica Collotti Pischel” - via Conservatorio 7.
The Political Sciences Library “Enrica Collotti Pischel” has materials available in the following subjects: law, economics, philosophy, geography, foreign languages, mathematics and statistics, political science, sociology and history. Number of seats: 261
- European Documentation Centre (EDC)
3rd floor Library of Political Science - CEDOC SPS - Documentation Centre of the Department of Social and Political Sciences
2nd floor (Rooms 211 and 212) Department of Social and Political Sciences